GSA Schedule 70

What is GSA Schedule 70

The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Electronic Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) are the FAA's preferred contracting vehicle for small business contracts. It provides an effective procurement process through an online procurement tool. eFAST supports the following types of contracts: Firm-Fixed Price, Cost Reimbursable, Time and Materials, Labor Hour and others as applicable.

Information Technology Category

Buying IT from GSA's Multiple Award Schedule is easy, because the work is done for you. MAS IT has streamlined procurement options for a full scope of IT supplies and services:

  • Negotiated contract ceiling prices
  • Opportunities for discounts at the order level
  • Single contracting vehicle to fulfill complex or ongoing needs and reduce overall contract awards and administration
  • Less administrative time and contract documentation, since the master contract is managed by GSA
  • Socioeconomic credit for orders awarded to small business and other socioeconomic categories

Under each schedule category, special item numbers (SINs) help find and define a product or service.

State, local, and tribal governments may be eligible to buy IT products and services under the Cooperative Purchasing Program.

Our Impact

Caregivers at the Forefront: Supporting Caregivers in Times of Challenge

Caring for a wounded warrior is difficult even during the best of times. The current global state has presented new and unprecedented challenges for our nation’s military and veteran caregivers, and they need our help.

That’s why PM Solutions is proud to support The Elizabeth Dole Foundation and Veterans Affairs' 5th Annual National Convening virtually on October 19th. #EDFVAConvening2020

Elizabeth Dole Foundation’s 3rd Annual Heroes and History Makers

As a sponsor of The Elizabeth Dole Foundation 3rd Annual Heroes and History Makers event, PM Solutions are proud to show our support for the incredible men and women who care for our nation’s wounded, ill, and injured service members and veterans at home.

These caregivers are our nation’s hidden heroes, and we hope you’ll join us for this special event. #HHM2020: